Did Fair Use Get a Face-Lift?
In 1981, Lynn Goldsmith photographed the music artist Prince for Newsweek magazine. 15 years later, she licensed one of those photos to Vanity Fair as a single-use artist’s reference for…
In 1981, Lynn Goldsmith photographed the music artist Prince for Newsweek magazine. 15 years later, she licensed one of those photos to Vanity Fair as a single-use artist’s reference for…
We have uploaded a new video talking about the issues involved in enforcing patents. You can find the video on YouTube here as part of our ongoing FishFAQ series of explanations of intellectual property.We…
We have uploaded a new video covering the Right-to-Practice. Having a patent on your invention gives you the right to exclude others from practicing your invention, but not necessarily the…
We have uploaded a new video talking about the issues involved in enforcing patents. You can find the video on YouTube here as part of our ongoing FishFAQ series of…
We have a new FishFAQ video out covering Invention Disclosures. You can view it to the right, or find it on the relevant Invention Disclosure section on our Patent FAQs…
The U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) has noticed the increased number of copyright applications that contain or include AI-generated works and has launched an initiative to examine the copyright law and…
Learn about the BackSeat Driver App BackSeat Driver App Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign Have you ever been driving distracted and run through a stop sign or red light? Distracted driving is a…
Bob published his Patent Shock Series of books back in 2012-2013. But we just revised them with significant updates. There are new covers, updated material and information and this version…
This is our newly installed display of the US Patent Process.
Since clients frequently want to know the process of getting a patent, we have made a simplified flowchart of the basic steps. To be clear, this simple flowchart does NOT purport…