Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign for Bob’s BackSeat Driver App

BackSeat Driver App

Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign

Have you ever been driving distracted and run through a stop sign or red light? 
Distracted driving is a huge problem with huge associated costs.

There are various solutions to help, but many of these require cameras and software built into the vehicles. After-market dash-cam systems typically only record events, they don’t prevent a driver from running a red light or stop sign. 

Bob Fish has patented a better, cheaper solution to the problem and is hoping to crowdfund production of the app to help save lives and money.

Whenever it appears that your vehicle is not stopping in time, the Backseat Driver app will use the camera and sophisticated algorithms in your own cell phone to warn of upcoming red lights and stop signs.  The system doesn’t rely on GPS, or signals emitted from traffic lights. It can even work in the dark.

Click on the button if you would like to learn more.

Bob’s Revised Patent Books Available

Bob Fish holding copies of his updated books: White Space Patenting and Green Fields Patenting.

Bob published his Patent Shock Series of books back in 2012-2013. But we just revised them with significant updates. There are new covers, updated material and information and this version is in a more popular 8.5″x 11″ format.

You can find the books on Amazon.

White Space Patenting is geared towards writing robust patent applications.

Green Fields Patenting is geared towards building a solid patent portfolio.

The US Patent Process Wall Display

picture 2 of Fish IP Law's dimensional installation showing the U.S. Patent Process

This is our newly installed display of the US Patent Process.

picture 1 of Fish IP Law's dimensional installation showing the U.S. Patent Process
picture 3 of Fish IP Law's dimensional installation showing the U.S. Patent Process
picture 4 of Fish IP Law's dimensional installation showing the U.S. Patent Process

Simplified Patent Process Flowchart

Since clients frequently want to know the process of getting a patent, we have made a simplified flowchart of the basic steps. 
To be clear, this simple flowchart does NOT purport to cover every possible scenario; there are other possible complexities, and an application can have several “final” office actions. It should only serve as a general idea of the basic process for obtaining a US patent. PCT and other foreign patents are different.

The U.S. Patent process graphic

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas picture from Fish IP Law.

New Offices

We are officially moved into our new offices. We are now located at 19900 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 810, Irvine CA 92612, a few miles south of the old office building.

Here are a few pictures of the new place.

Fish IP Law 2022 Christmas decorations: front entrance
Fish IP Law 2022 Christmas decorations: row of offices
Fish IP Law 2022 Christmas decorations: Tree and looking down main hall
Bob Fish in his new office
Picture of buildings where Fish IP law is located
Picture of building where Fish IP law is located

Fish IP Law Is Moving!

Fish IP Law is moving to a new location this weekend. We should be completely moved in by Wed. Dec. 14. The new offices will be located at 19900 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 810, Irvine, CA  92612.  

Google map section showing location of Fish IP Law offices
Pic of building where Fish IP Law is located.